Fri, 27 December 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Christmas Eve and the truth as a fairy tale.
Direct download: 20191224_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Fairy_Tale.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm CDT |
Mon, 23 December 2019
Rustin Smith --- Absurdity comes rushing together with what we expected to lead us to truth.
Direct download: 20191222_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Comedy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am CDT |
Mon, 9 December 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- To feel, speak, and embody truth.
Direct download: 20191208_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Tragedy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:55pm CDT |
Mon, 2 December 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Logos and mythos and telling the whole truth with our lives.
Direct download: 20191201_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Silence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am CDT |
Mon, 25 November 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Building a life on grace and walking out our surrender in action.
Direct download: 20191124_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Christ_The_King.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm CDT |
Sun, 10 November 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The required imagination and courage to walk through a door to a deeper reality.
Direct download: 20191110_-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__C.S._Lewis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:58pm CDT |
Mon, 4 November 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The Empire overtakes the church and the first Desert Father resists.
Direct download: 20191103_-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__Anthony.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am CDT |
Mon, 28 October 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- God's joy is a community of loving people.
Direct download: 20191027_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Humans.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:12am CDT |
Mon, 21 October 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Transforming the unacknowledged patterns that make us predictable.
Direct download: 20191020_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Ruts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11am CDT |
Mon, 14 October 2019
Speaker: Jonathan Klee - Priority and getting clear about what is really important.
Direct download: 20191013_-_Jonathan_Klee_-_Everyday_Joy__Yes_Or_No.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:47am CDT |
Mon, 7 October 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The solution for the exhaustion of faking it.
Direct download: 20191006_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Congruence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm CDT |
Mon, 30 September 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The human daily act of faith we are given to master.
Direct download: 20190929_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Sleep.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am CDT |
Mon, 23 September 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Finding our place inside the story of the Bible.
Direct download: 20190922_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Story.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:57am CDT |
Mon, 16 September 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Where do we go to find the best information about how to live well?
Direct download: 20190915_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Experts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am CDT |
Sun, 8 September 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Being fully loved and fully alive in God's unshakable kingdom.
Direct download: 20190908_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Everyday_Joy__Relax.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:03pm CDT |
Mon, 2 September 2019
Speaker: Joy Klee - Beloved children become belief-ful adults.
Direct download: 20190901_-_Joy_Klee_-_Aftermath__Children.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am CDT |
Sun, 25 August 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The primary target of evangelism.
Direct download: 20190825_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Aftermath__Forgetters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm CDT |
Mon, 19 August 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Joshua's evangelistic invitation to become insiders to God's covenant family.
Direct download: 20190818_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Aftermath__Outsiders.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm CDT |
Mon, 12 August 2019
Speaker: Levi Rennick --- The heart of God revealed in unexpected places. |
Mon, 12 August 2019
Speaker: Jonathan Klee, various - Missional Partners Updates
Direct download: 20190804_-_Jonathan_Klee_-_Missional_Partners_Updates.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:29am CDT |
Mon, 29 July 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Three movements of evangelism.
Direct download: 20190728_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Aftermath__Drama.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am CDT |
Tue, 23 July 2019
Speaker: Levi Rennick --- Three key people on your journey.
Direct download: 20190721_-_Levi_Rennick_-_From_Here_To_There__Relationships.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am CDT |
Tue, 23 July 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The attractive power of mutuality in the church.
Direct download: 20190714_-_Rustin_Smith_-_From_Here_To_There__Community.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58am CDT |
Mon, 8 July 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The beautiful ringing call to participate in God's Kingdom and protest against false kingdoms.
Direct download: 20190707_-_Rustin_Smith_-_From_Here_To_There__Bells.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm CDT |
Sun, 30 June 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The meaning and message of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Direct download: 20190630_-_Rustin_Smith_-_From_Here_To_There__The_Cross.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm CDT |
Mon, 10 June 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Baptism as a ritual of identification with Jesus and God's people.
Direct download: 20190609_-_Rustin_Smith_-_From_Here_To_There__Into_Death.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm CDT |
Mon, 3 June 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The journey from appearing to being the self God dreamed.
Direct download: 20190602_-_From_Here_To_There_-_The_I_Who_Says_I.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm CDT |
Sun, 26 May 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- An open pastoral plea to readiness for God's work at Vox.
Direct download: 20190526_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Summer_Charge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm CDT |
Sun, 26 May 2019
Speaker: Levi Rennick --- Introducing Vox Summer Nights and three pathways for adults to grow, youth activities, and more.
Direct download: 20190526b_-_Levi_Rennick_-_Summer_Calendar_Announcements.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm CDT |
Tue, 21 May 2019
Speaker: Jonathan Jones --- The journey toward a bigger faith.
Direct download: 20190519_-_Jonathan_Jones_-_Certainty_To_Confidence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm CDT |
Mon, 13 May 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Social media and human connection.
Direct download: 20190512_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Tech_Wise__Social.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am CDT |
Mon, 6 May 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Turning aside from distraction to acknowledge the wonder of holy ground.
Direct download: 20190505_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Tech_Wise__Attention.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56am CDT |
Mon, 29 April 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Looking for wisdom to rightly see the devices that now shape our lives.
Direct download: 20190428_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Tech_Wise__The_Medium.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am CDT |
Mon, 22 April 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith - Awe and wonder at the heart of reality and the truths around the resurrection.
Direct download: 20190421_-_Rustin_Smith_-_One_Word__Wow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am CDT |
Mon, 15 April 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Doing whatever Jesus tells us to do makes God our helper.
Direct download: 20190414_-_Rustin_Smith_-_One_Word__Help.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43am CDT |
Mon, 8 April 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The experience of wonder as the doorway to gratitude.
Direct download: 20190407_-_Rustin_Smith_-_One_Word__Thanks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43am CDT |
Mon, 1 April 2019
Speaker: Joy Klee --- What does actually require from us?
Direct download: 20190331_-_Joy_Klee_-_One_Word__Enough.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:12am CDT |
Fri, 29 March 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Spiritual power flows when we get honest.
Direct download: 20190324_-_Rustin_Smith_-_One_Word__Sorry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm CDT |
Sun, 17 March 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Does God have a yes or no in his heart for you?
Direct download: 20190317_-_Rustin_Smith_-_One_Word__Yes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:34pm CDT |
Mon, 11 March 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Three great No's that make space for a meaningful Yes.
Direct download: 20190310_-_Rustin_Smith_-_One_Word__No.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46am CDT |
Mon, 4 March 2019
Speaker: Levi Rennick - Solitude v. Isolation and giving visibility to God's love.
Direct download: 20190303_-_Levi_Rennick_-_Finding_The_Beat__Community.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21am CDT |
Mon, 25 February 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The power of the aestheticization of weakness.
Direct download: 20190224_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Finding_The_Beat__Beauty.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am CDT |
Mon, 18 February 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The antidote for the slavery of anxiety.
Direct download: 20190217_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Finding_The_Beat__Play.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm CDT |
Sun, 3 February 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Sabbath as an essential rhythm for the people of God.
Direct download: 20190203_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Finding_The_Beat__Rest.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:54pm CDT |
Sun, 27 January 2019
Speaker: Jonathan Klee --- The pitfalls of going it alone, and the rewards of community.
Direct download: 20190127_-_Jonathan_Klee_-_Going__Together.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50pm CDT |
Mon, 21 January 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Introducing a guide to your spiritual journey in stages of faith.
Direct download: 20190120_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Going__All_The_Way.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:14pm CDT |
Mon, 14 January 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Doing business with forgiveness.
Direct download: 20190113_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Going__Back.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm CDT |
Sun, 6 January 2019
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The conversion of Peter and the love of a process.
Direct download: 20190106_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Going__Forward.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:31pm CDT |