Sat, 31 December 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- A dark and dangerous tale about God's great gift.
Direct download: 20161224_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Chrstmas_Eve__Stories_and_Gifts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm CDT |
Mon, 19 December 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith ---What it takes to receive God's deliverance versus what makes sense.
Direct download: 20161218_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Unconventional.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm CDT |
Sun, 11 December 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Non-complementary behavior of God toward God's enemies and ours.
Direct download: 20161211_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Flip_the_Script.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm CDT |
Mon, 5 December 2016
Speaker: Derrick Cook --- The evidence and purpose of God's love.
Direct download: 20161204_-_Derrick_Cook_-_The_Love_of_God.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:02pm CDT |
Sun, 27 November 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Isaiah presents a vision of a future that demands action that can lead to that future.
Direct download: 20161127_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Advent__Prophet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm CDT |
Mon, 21 November 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Belonging in the church as counter-cultural, hyper-local, covenantal, and essential.
Direct download: 21061120_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Covenant_Membership.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm CDT |
Sun, 13 November 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- A soldier monk discovers the life of God's presence in daily work.
Direct download: 20161113_-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__Brother_Lawrence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm CDT |
Sun, 6 November 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Lesslie Newbigin returns the church to its missionary nature.
Direct download: 20161106_-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__Newbigin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm CDT |
Mon, 31 October 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The apostle to Germany models godly confrontation.
Direct download: 20161030-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__Boniface.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am CDT |
Mon, 24 October 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- What we make erupts from a deep part of us.
Direct download: 20161023_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__Work.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm CDT |
Mon, 17 October 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The hum of the household tunes hearts to God's grace.
Direct download: 20161016_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__Home.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm CDT |
Tue, 11 October 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- How Christian worship characterizes us in surprising ways.
Direct download: 20161009_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__Story.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:35pm CDT |
Mon, 3 October 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Christian worship as a counter liturgy that re-habituates our desires.
Direct download: 20161002_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__Worship.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm CDT |
Mon, 26 September 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Our repeated actions, rituals, and behaviors orient our desires.
Direct download: 20160925_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__Liturgy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:02pm CDT |
Tue, 20 September 2016
Speaker: Brent Heid - Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven.
Direct download: 20160918_-_Brent_Heid_-_Desire__Manna.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am CDT |
Thu, 15 September 2016
Speaker: Cole McGee --- (Guest speaker from Redemption Church) Jesus exposes our anxiety with the question, "Why are you searching for me?"
Direct download: 20160911_-_Cole_McGee_-_Searching_for_Jesus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm CDT |
Sun, 4 September 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- How can we know what we really want?
Direct download: 20160904_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__What_We_Love.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm CDT |
Mon, 29 August 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Jesus comes to drive a wedge between our lived life and what drives us into our lived life.
Direct download: 20160828_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Desire__Map_and_Compass.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm CDT |
Mon, 22 August 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Finding others who need what we need keeps the message alive in us. |
Mon, 8 August 2016
Speaker: Mike Hathcock --- Welcoming others into the good news.
Direct download: 20160807_-_Mike_Hathcock_-_Sharing_Faith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21pm CDT |
Mon, 8 August 2016
Speaker: Jonathan Klee - Vox ministry partner leader sharing reflections from sabbatical.
Direct download: 20160731_-_Jonathan_Klee_-_Perception_Funding.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14pm CDT |
Mon, 18 July 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The mediation in blood of the relationship of God and humanity.
Direct download: 20160717_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Invitations__Priestly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am CDT |
Tue, 12 July 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The good news for those without solutions.
Direct download: 20160710_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Invitations__Exile.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am CDT |
Tue, 5 July 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The good news of the possibility of movement from bondage to liberation.
Direct download: 20160703_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Invitations__Exodus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41am CDT |
Tue, 28 June 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The good news movement from chaos to shalom in the Creation narrative.
Direct download: 20160626_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Invitations__Creation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:54pm CDT |
Mon, 20 June 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Introductory remarks about dedication and baptism at Vox. |
Tue, 14 June 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Relocating the good news in its original powerful narrative frameworks.
Direct download: 20160612_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Invitations__Gospel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27am CDT |
Tue, 31 May 2016
Speaker: Peggy Heid --- Rightly regarding eternity, an investigation into the Bible's clues about heaven.
Direct download: 20160529_-_Peggy_Heid_-_Questions__Heaven.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am CDT |
Sun, 22 May 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- An invitation to start, and stop, tithing.
Direct download: 20160522_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Money.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm CDT |
Mon, 16 May 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Signs, works, and wonders in the imagination of the Apostle John.
Direct download: 20160515_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Miracles.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm CDT |
Sun, 8 May 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Is it ever OK to use violence? What about self-defense?
Direct download: 20160508_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Violence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:53pm CDT |
Wed, 4 May 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The person you are called to be, the people you are called to belong to, the tasks you are called to do.
Direct download: 20160501_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Gods_Will_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm CDT |
Mon, 25 April 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Does God have a will and can I know it?
Direct download: 20160424_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Gods_Will_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am CDT |
Sun, 17 April 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Prayer, God's nature, and our place in creating the future.
Direct download: 20160417_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Prayer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm CDT |
Tue, 12 April 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- How can the Bible have authority to command our behavior today?
Direct download: 20160410-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Bible.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11am CDT |
Mon, 4 April 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- How can the idea of hell fit with the idea of a loving God, Jesus, and modern sensibilities?
Direct download: 20160403_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Questions__Hell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am CDT |
Mon, 28 March 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The necessity of the terra incognita of the resurrection.
Direct download: 20160327_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Getting_Lost.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:20am CDT |
Sun, 20 March 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Observations about the inherent sense of God in the human experience.
Direct download: 20160320_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Theism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:01pm CDT |
Mon, 14 March 2016
Speaker: Jon Bowles --- The example of Job and practices toward believing in a God who is other.
Direct download: 20160313_-_Jon_Bowles_-_Awake__Holiness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am CDT |
Wed, 9 March 2016
Speaker: Craig Babb --- Joshua as an example of contemplative prayer.
Direct download: 20160306_-_Craig_Babb_-_Listening_to_God.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36am CDT |
Tue, 23 February 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The mystical tradition and John of the Cross as guides on the path to the cross through the dark nights.
Direct download: 20160221_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Mystery.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:54am CDT |
Mon, 15 February 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The temptation to avoid, resist, or ignore the hard parts of the good journey.
Direct download: 20160214_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Middle.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am CDT |
Tue, 9 February 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Our dreams and distractions that keep us from an awareness of God.
Direct download: 20160207_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Restlessness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm CDT |
Tue, 2 February 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- A history and meaning of the practice of Ash Wednesday and Lent at Vox. |
Tue, 26 January 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- What is practical, sensible, knowable keeping us from the experience of God.
Direct download: 20160124_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Pragmatism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:07am CDT |
Tue, 19 January 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith - Self-obsession that keeps us from experiencing the reality of God.
Direct download: 20160117_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Narcissism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am CDT |
Tue, 12 January 2016
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The Christian call to be awake to God.
Direct download: 20160110_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Awake__Present_to_God.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm CDT |