Sun, 24 December 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The fourth and ultimate word that we meet at the manger.
Direct download: 20171224_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Making_Space__Love.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28pm CDT |
Tue, 19 December 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Sinking our roots into the source of blessedness.
Direct download: 20171217_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Making_Space__Joy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm CDT |
Mon, 11 December 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- We walk in the the darkness.
Direct download: 20171210_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Making_Space__Peace.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm CDT |
Tue, 5 December 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Advent 1, a prayer of unfulfillment as a empty place for hope to fill.
Direct download: 20171203_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Making_Space__Hope.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21am CDT |
Tue, 28 November 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Christ the King Sunday featuring the life of a great teacher of the Kingdom of God.
Direct download: 20171126_-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__Dallas_Willard.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31am CDT |
Tue, 14 November 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- 500 years since the great reformer reoriented the church around faith and encountering God's acceptance.
Direct download: 20171112_-_Rustin_Smith_-_All_Saints__Martin_Luther.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm CDT |
Tue, 7 November 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Constantine the Great transforms the church. |
Fri, 3 November 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The final scrutiny before entering the church membership.
Direct download: 20171029_-_Rusitn_Smith_-_The_People__Exorcism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:33pm CDT |
Mon, 23 October 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The phases of joining the early church and the three scrutinies for deep ontological repair.
Direct download: 20171022_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_People__Entering.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm CDT |
Mon, 16 October 2017
Speaker: Cary Corley --- From Vox missional partner Peace Partnership, on living in the present. |
Mon, 16 October 2017
Speaker: Seth Sears --- Missionary partner of Vox Seth Sears on listening to God. |
Mon, 2 October 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The church as an alternative community in relationship to status-seeking in the Roman world.
Direct download: 20171001_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_People__Push_and_Pull.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm CDT |
Mon, 25 September 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The practices of the early Christians that made them visibly distinct to outsiders.
Direct download: 20170924_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_People__Visible.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm CDT |
Wed, 20 September 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Reflexive Christian identity in the early church.
Direct download: 20170917_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_People__Habitus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am CDT |
Tue, 12 September 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The explosive growth of the earliest churches rooted in a surprising single virtue.
Direct download: 20170910_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_People__Patience.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am CDT |
Sun, 3 September 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Numbering our days and the context of life. Psalm 90
Direct download: 20170903_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_Ordinary__Wisdom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37pm CDT |
Mon, 28 August 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith - How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
Direct download: 20170827_-_Rustin_Smith_-_The_Ordinary.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:06pm CDT |
Tue, 22 August 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- John's vision of the consummation of history; fear versus hope.
Direct download: 20170820_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Future.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm CDT |
Mon, 14 August 2017
Speaker: Various - A day to celebrate God's faithfulness to our church and stories about generosity. |
Mon, 7 August 2017
Speaker: Dan Wilburn --- Pastor of Lakeland Community Church in Lee's Summit speaks about the Christian life as pilgrimage. |
Mon, 7 August 2017
Speaker: Seth Sears --- Vox ministry partner in Costa Rica shares stories and Scripture about hospitality and the Gospel. |
Tue, 18 July 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Our apocalyptic reflex moves in conflict and the legitimate weapons of the Lamb.
Direct download: 20170716_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Conflict.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:28am CDT |
Wed, 12 July 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- What the Revelation of John has to do with the idea of Rapture.
Direct download: 20170709_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Rapture.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm CDT |
Wed, 5 July 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The way of the Lamb versus the way of the Dragon.
Direct download: 20170702_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Lamb.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm CDT |
Wed, 5 July 2017
Speaker: Jonathan Klee --- Stories from Vox and beyond.
Direct download: 20170625_-_Jonathan_Klee_-_What_God_Is_Doing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm CDT |
Mon, 19 June 2017
Speaker: Jonathan Jones --- Reflections on fathering and grace.
Direct download: 20170618_-_Jonathan_Jones_-_Fathers_and_Grace.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:51am CDT |
Mon, 19 June 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The earth beast joins the sea beast in competing for the attention of God's people.
Direct download: 20170611_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Beasts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27am CDT |
Tue, 6 June 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The beast competes for the full attention of God's people.
Direct download: 20170604_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Dragon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am CDT |
Thu, 1 June 2017
Speaker: Jack Ramos-Needham --- Christ's role in making us free and the possibility for forgiveness.
Direct download: 20170528_-_Jack_Ramos-Needham_-_Freedom_and_Forgiveness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm CDT |
Sun, 28 May 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The Lamb rides out to battle. Revelation 6-7.
Direct download: 20170521_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Horses.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05pm CDT |
Tue, 16 May 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The lion is a lamb who is worshiped by all who live in the most real reality.
Direct download: 20170514_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Throne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42am CDT |
Mon, 8 May 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Shaping the imagination to see Jesus in our midst. Revelation 1
Direct download: 20170507_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Presence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58pm CDT |
Sun, 23 April 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Introduction to the controversial book of Revelation.
Direct download: 20170423_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Imaginarium__Apocalypse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm CDT |
Mon, 17 April 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Eternity breaks into time, the future into the present.
Direct download: 20170416_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Easter__Resurrection_Life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm CDT |
Tue, 11 April 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Jesus enters Jerusalem as a dark king.
Direct download: 20170409_-_Rustin_Smith_-_A_Walk_In_The_Dark__Gods_Visit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:40am CDT |
Mon, 3 April 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- John of the Cross, Paul, and Jesus as teachers in the negative way.
Direct download: 20170402_-_Rustin_Smith_-_A_Walk_In_The_Dark__Dark_Night.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm CDT |
Tue, 28 March 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- The blessing in acceptance and reverence in darkness.
Direct download: 20170326_-_Rustin_Smith_-_A_Walk_In_The_Dark__Dark_Emotions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58am CDT |
Mon, 20 March 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Blindness that leads to seeing and seeing that leads to blindness.
Direct download: 20170319_-_Rustin_Smith_-_A_Walk_In_The_Dark__Needing_the_Dark.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm CDT |
Mon, 13 March 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Artificial light and encountering God in the dark.
Direct download: 20170312_-_Rustin_Smith_-_A_Walk_In_The_Dark__Too_Much_Light.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm CDT |
Mon, 6 March 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Darkness that reveals and obscures the presence of God.
Direct download: 20170305_-_Rustin_Smith_-_A_Walk_In_The_Dark__The_Dazzling_Dark.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm CDT |
Mon, 27 February 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith and Jonathan Klee --- Staying present to God in places where we do not have the power.
Direct download: 20170226_-_Rusitn_Smith__Jonathan_Klee_-_Presence__Beyond.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm CDT |
Tue, 21 February 2017
Speaker: Alicia Britt Chole --- Author of "40 Days of Decrease" and "Anonymous"
Direct download: 20170219_-_Alicia_Britt_Chole_-_Heart_Clutter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am CDT |
Sun, 12 February 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Managing Competition, Fear, and Control as barriers to God's presence in the spaces where we have power.
Direct download: 20170212_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Presence__Hosting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm CDT |
Sun, 5 February 2017
Speaker: Rustin Smith --- Christian gathering as a practice of learning to perceive God.
Direct download: 20170205_-_Rustin_Smith_-_Presence__Seeing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm CDT |
Sun, 29 January 2017
Speaker: Andrea Sears --- Vox ministry partner serving in Costa Rica. Learning to surrender to Jesus rather than seeking to be right, power, and success. |
Mon, 23 January 2017
Speaker: Jon Bowles --- Learning to be with Jesus in the midst of the storm. |
Mon, 23 January 2017
Speaker: Pedro Achucarro --- Making a deeper commitment to life in God.
Direct download: 20170108_-_Pedro_Achucarro_-_Obedience.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm CDT |